Newly available The Tailless Whip Scorpion (Damon medius) from Benin


The Tailless Whip Scorpion (Damon medius) Benin, with a leg span of up to 20 cm, is easy to breed. We maintain a high humidity in the breeding tank. Cork bark is sufficient for shelter. They can be kept singly, in pairs or males with multiple females. Adults of Damon medius Benin are available.

New species of snail Helix aspersa Czech Republic on offer


The European Brown Snail (Helix aspersa) is a medium-sized species of snail. The population in the Czech Republic is non-native and it is an introduced species. It is very variable in its colouration. It is easy to breed and is not picky in its diet. Adults and juveniles of Helix aspersa Czech Republic are available.

New species of turtle Sternotherus odoratus now available for sale


The Common Musk Turtle is one of the smallest Musk Turtles. It is easy to breed and due to its small size, even a small breeding tank will suffice. You can feed it a variety of invertebrates, meat and pellets. As it is a carnivore, it does not need UVB radiation. Babies of Sternotherus odoratus are already for sale.

We have newly added Crested Geckos to the eshop.


The Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus or Rhacodactylus ciliatus), is a very popular gecko species due to its size, attractive appearance and ease of breeding. They are active at night and hide under a piece of bark during the day. They do not need UVB radiation or a heat lamp. Room temperature is sufficient. Breeding is possible in a terrarium or plastic box.The basis of the food is instant gecko diet, which we supplement with insects. For now we have two subadult males of Crested Geckos for sale, but we will add more soon.

We have newly added isopods, cockroaches, spiders, crickets and scorpions.


You can take a look at our new offer of isopods, cockroaches, spiders, exotic crickets and scorpions. Photos are only for a few species so far. We will add them as soon as possible. All of these can be sent safely by post. Please note that many of these species are sold in lots of 10, 15 or 20 and the price is always for that number, not for one animal.

Unique snail Platymma tweediei Malaysia finally on offer.


Extremely rare snail in breeding with contrasting red and black colouration. It is a species living in the Malay mountains. It is sensitive to high temperatures, so we keep the temperature up to 21°C. It is not very picky about its food. It prefers mushrooms, sweet potatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables. However, it is necessary to vary the food and not to present the same food every time. Adults of Platymma tweediei Malaysia from the wild are available.

New species of millipede Coromus sp. chocolate Togo on offer.


A large, contrastingly coloured species of flat-topped millipede.It is a new species in breeding. In captivity, they usually eat only leaves, decaying wood and vegetables as food. Adults of Coromus sp. chocolate Togo from the wild are available.

New species of snail Tropidophora cuveriana Madagascar on offer


Tropidophora cuveriana is a unique snail in its shell shape and size. It is very rare in breeding. It is a tree-feeding specialist species that feeds mainly on algae and lichen, or flakes for fish. Adults of Tropidophora cuveriana Madagascar from the wild are available.

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