Attractively colored Cryptozona with contrast between the upper dark and lower light side of the shell. The species is trouble-free in breeding and prefers cucumbers, salads and other green foods as food. Babies Cryptozona siamensis Thailand type 1 are already available.2022-07-22
An interesting new species from China that is smaller in stature with a round, taller shell. The colour of the shell is either pure white or with few distinctive darker coloured stripes. This snail is trouble-free in breeding. It prefers cucumber and lettuce in its diet. Reproduction is also easy. The snails lay up to several dozen small transparent eggs. The young hatch in about two weeks and are very small. Babies Camaena platyodon Hainan, China are already available.2022-07-21
A nice form of Limicolaria flammea with orange shell. This snail is easy to keep and breed and as other limicolaria species they like cucumbers, lettuces, and other green stuff as food. Babies Limicolaria flammea Nigeria orange are already available.2022-07-13
Big species of family Achatinidae with albino body. Shell is not so elongated as in the form from Nigeria. Bigger babies Achatina achatina Ghana albino body are already available.2022-06-25
A rare new form of Lissachatina immaculata from South Africa with an albinotic shell. It grows to a larger size. Babies of Lissachatina immaculata ssp South Africa albino shell are already available.2022-06-02
Smaller size species of millipede with nice coloration. They accept vegetable and fruit food in captivity. Breeding in captivity is common and without problems. Babies of Tonkinbolus caudulanus are already available.2022-05-12
Veronicella cubensis is a smaller species of tropical snail, but like other species of the genus Veronicella, it has a typical flattened body shape. Babies of Limicolaria aethiops Nigeria albino shell are already available.2022-03-22
Veronicella cubensis is a smaller species of tropical snail, but like other species of the genus Veronicella, it has a typical flattened body shape. Babies of Veronicella cubensis Hawaii are already available.Copyright © Tomáš Protiva 2010 - 2024.