Complete soil for your terrariums for millipedes and isopods. Soil is mixed up from fibrous peat, crushed rake, umbrella pine bark, sand and calcium sources. Soil for millipedes and isopods is already available.2023-01-28
Epibolus pulchripesA smaller species of flat-topped millipede that is interesting for its colouration and the toothed growths on the body segments. As food in captivity, they usually take mainly rake and rotting wood but also cucumber and other vegetables and fruits. Reproduction in captivity has already been successful. Adults Orthomorpha subkarschi Thailand from captive breeding are already available.2023-01-24
Epibolus pulchripes Tanzania is a Medium sized species of distinctively coloured millipede. A rare millipede in breeding due to the ban on imports from Tanzania. They need leaf litter and rotted wood as food, but also eat vegetables and fruit. Captive breeding is possible. Juveniles Epibolus pulchripes Tanzania from captive breeding are already available.2022-12-08
Due to its high protein content, granulated alfalfa is ideal especially as a feed for young animals. We recommend alternating alfalfa with granulated hay. It is suitable for terrestrial and semi-aquatic turtles, iguanas, agamas and other lizards. Babies Granulated alfalfa is already available.2022-12-08
Granulated hay is an ideal substitute for a normal green diet in winter. It is suitable for terrestrial and semi-aquatic turtles, iguanas, agamas and other lizards. We can also offer to many invertebrates. Babies Hay pellets is already available.2022-12-08
Chlorella is a freshwater unicellular algae with a high chlorophyll content. We use it as a supplementary food for land snails and other invertebrates. It can be presented dry, sprinkled on other food or mixed with water to make a slurry. Chlorella contains large amounts of chlorophyll, beta-carotene and antioxidants. It is rich in vitamins and minerals (vitamin A, biotin, beta-carotene, vitamin C, B vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium) and essential fatty acids. Babies Chlorella is already available.2022-12-08
The freshwater blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) spirulina belongs to complementary food for land snails, but also other invertebrates and vertebrates. It contains many vitamins, minerals, active enzymes and more than 50% protein, making it one of the most protein-rich natural foods. Spirulina algae is an important antioxidant. It can be presented to snails mixed with water or ground limestone. Babies Spirulina is already available.2022-12-01
Bee pollen for reptiles and invertebrates is a 100% natural feed supplement suitable especially for herbivorous and omnivorous lizards, terrestrial turtles and all invertebrates including feeding insects. Feeding insects can be coated in ground pollen or fed with pollen before feeding. Pollen can also be added to feeding mash. Babies Bee pollen is already available.Copyright © Tomáš Protiva 2010 - 2024.