Chov zlatohlávků a nosorožíků

The book is divided into two parts, in the general part you will learn about systematics and distribution in the world and in the Czech Republic, nomenclature, anatomy, morphology and physiology, equipment necessary for breeding, reproduction and rearing of larvae, diseases and various interesting facts. In the specialised section you will find an alphabetical list of the species bred, first golden-headed, then rhinoceroses. For each species, the tribus, distribution, size, description and, where appropriate, a note are given. Most of the species are also pictorially photographed. Cetoniinae - golden-headed rhinoceroses: Cetoniini, Cremastocheilini, Diplognathini, Goliathini, Gymnetini, Phaedimini, Schizorhinini, Stenotarsiini, Taenioderini, Xiphoscelidini Dynastinae - rhinoceroses: Agaocephalini, Cyclocephalini, Dynastini, Hexodontini, Oryctini, Oryctoderini, Pentodontini, Phileurini

Chov zlatohlávků a nosorožíků

Chov zlatohlávků a nosorožíků
Tomáš Vrána, Lubomír Klátil
Number of pages:
2 pcs

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