Chelodina gunaleni small form

Chelodina gunaleni small form juvenil
JUVENIL - size 5 cm

The Gunalen´s Snake-necked Turtle small form is a small representative of the genus Chelodina. The correct classification of this form is uncertain and it is referred to as the small form of gunaleni or novaeguineae, or as the species Chelodina ipudnabi. It is trouble-free in breeding and very voracious. You can feed it a variety of invertebrates, fish, meat and pellets. It is a good swimmer and therefore it is a good idea to offer this turtle plenty of room to swim. Since it is a carnivore, it doesn´t need UVB radiation either.

Chelodina gunaleni small form

Chelodina gunaleni small form
Breeding difficulty:
5 cm
Adult size:
12 - 16 cm
0 pcs
Sold out

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